Tawny Pipit:??? A bird dropped in after calling once. D Johnson and I could not quite place it and the only birds we picked up from where we thought the call had come from were 2 Chaffinches. We knew the sound was one we have heard before but not in the park. Then it called again, as it took off from long grass. The chirrup of the House Sparrow but with elements similar to Yellow Wagtail, but not the same tone. We picked the bird up as it flew overhead, It was wagtail shape but the light conditions made it impossible to get any detail. We watched as the bird flew off towards another area of long grass but their were to many people around for it to come down. If only we'd had a good view.
Spotted Flycatcher: 4 birds in various areas but mobile.
Chiffchaff: 12 birds seen.
Willow Warbler: 3 birds seen.
Blackcap: 4 birds in areas 24 & 29.
Meadow Pipit: 4 birds flew over.
Swallow: 50 birds flew through.
House Martin: 90 birds passed through.
Grey Wagtail: 1 feeding in duck rearing boxes.