16th February

The week has been very quiet and there dose not look as if the weather is likely to bring either some late winter visitors or early spring migrants.

Todays highlights:
Goldfinch: 14 birds seen in groups at all the feeding stations.
Tawny Owl: The male was roosting amongst ivy, area 29.
Redwing: 1 in the leaf yard wood, area 29.
Great Black-backed Gull: 3 birds flew high eastwards at 3.00pm.
Great Crested Grebe: 3 pairs were displaying on the lake.
Egyptian Goose: 1 pair in area 26.


Unknown said…
Hi Tony

Thanks for the listings, photos and site generally — really useful!

I'm outraged to hear of the proposal to develop the wood on the north edge of the park, thus undoing all your good work to attract birds. I have written to Westminster to protest and urge others to do the same — by 1 March.

Simon Caulkin