4th June

More food arrives, and the young are losing down.
Three of the young peer over the lip of the box.
Barn Owl, one of 6 birds seen in a fairly small area.
Marsh Harrier female.
Here is a mystery bird challenge.

I am always apprehensive when I am away from the park, in case I miss a goody. At this time of year this is unlikely as most of the regular migrants will have reached their breeding grounds. So It good to here that nothing new had passed through, and no news had been left on this blog.

The little birding I did in Norfolk produced a couple of goodies in the shape of Iberian Chiffchaff (a lifer) and Purple Heron.
There were good views of typical broadland species, harriers, Barn Owls, Garganey, Bearded Tits and an array of warblers.

Today in the Park;

Great Spotted Woodpecker: At least two pairs have young that have now fledged.
Kestrel: There are four young in one of the boxes.
Common Whitethroat: Hopefully we will see evidence of young being fed, in area 24.


Debbie Pledge said…
Mystery bird challenge:
a warbler?
But what type, if indeed it is a warbler. I cant give to many clues, but they are hard to pin down.
Piers Aitman said…
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Not a reed, something a lot louder

Birds in schedule 1, should really be mentioned only in private email. In case undesirables here about them.
Piers Aitman said…
Of course. I wasn't thinking - if this is of interest or you have any advice, you could find my email address by googling my name. Is it a marsh warbler?


Hi Piers.

Not a Marsh a more recent colonist.
I will try and find your email address. If you haven't heard from me by tomorrow, my address can be found on the http://uk.groups.yahhoo.com/group/londonbirders site.