Comma and Speckled Woods enjoyed a spot of sunbathing.

Southerly winds bring in the birds, well some birds anyway. It was really much to nice for birds to stop off in Central London.
Osprey: The second of the week showed really well above Queen Mary's at 9.00am before drifting off slowly to the north-east. Dave even managed to get it on his garden list as it soared above it.
Peregrine: An immature female came to investigate the Osprey, and hung around for a while.
Unidentified small falcon. My gut feeling was that this was possibly a Lesser Kestrel. Its overall jizz was that of a slightly smaller, shorter tailed bird, its short wing beats on narrower more pointed wings were reminissent of a Cuckoo. It was to far off to get any detail and I could only watch as it chased and caught insects, before heading away to the NW at 10.45.
Little Owl: One was being mobbed by Blackbirds at 5.50am.
Ring Ouzel: A female perched on top of a Plane tree by the Honest Sausage at 8.30am. It then flew off towards Primrose Hill.
Common Swift: Three birds flew north.
Swallow: Eight birds flew north before 11.00am.
House Martin: Two birds were over the lake.
Northern Wheatear: A 1st year male fed briefly in area 28, before being flushed by the hoards of people crowding into the park to enjoy the sun.
Reed Warbler: Three birds were sing in the reeds and shrubbery in area 2.
Lesser Whitethroat: One sang from Hawthorns alongside Winfield House area 1, at 10.20am.
Chiifchaff: The male was nest building in area 29.
Willow Warbler: Three birds were singing.
Blackcap: They seemed to be every where, not just pairs but groups of birds.