I am back after a long weekend in Norfolk, where the weather was less than favourable. The only birding I did was on the way there at a couple of sites in the Breckland. I was able to get good views of a pair of Goshawks, Buzzards, Red-tailed Hawk, Stone Curlew, Woodlarks, Brambling and other regular species. After that the weather deteriated and it wasn't worth getting cold and wet. The only good thing about the conditions it meant that the Barn Owls were hunting during the middle of the day.
Today in the park
Common Buzzard: Two singles; one west at 12.45pm was at a very high altitude and another north-east at 1.00pm.
Swallow: Four birds flew north at lunchtime.
Linnet: One flew north.
Blackcap: Six birds with at least four in Queen Mary's Gardens.
Willow Warbler: One in area 2 and a least one in area 14.
Chiffchaff: Five birds Two in areas 14 and 29 another bird was by the Bandstand.
Goldcrest: Eight birds in areas with conifers or evergreens.
Reed Bunting: The male was singing in area 2.