27th January

Birds already have a hard time at this time of year but irresponsible behavior by certain members of the public can have fatal consequences, as this drake Mallard found out.

At least on of the rails was very vocal today. Though not the best, the photo below shows the difference in size between a Water Rail and aMoorhen.

The sun comes out and these returning grebes have sex on their minds.

The Little Owl though a fair distance away and is very wary.

Great crested Grebe: The first birds of the year turned up and happened to be a pair. They immediately started courting. Had they wintered together or met on route back to the park?
Grey Heron: 25 males have now claimed nest sites.
Hen Harrier: One possible very high flying male bird glided north at 11.50am.
Water Rail: Two birds still present in area 2.
Little Owl:
One showed well in the nest box in the Willow tree in area 25.
Great spotted Woodpecker:
Four males drumming.
Grey Wagtail: One flew over London Zoo.
House Sparrow: The males from the colony in the zoo have now began to move out of the cages they had been using since last autumn and are now taking up territories.
Siskin: Five in area 24, 25 and 26.
Goldfinch: Fourteen landed in the zoo.


Reuben said…
I had a look for the Little Owl today around 9am but no sign. It would be a lifer for me. Any suggestions on the best time?
Debbie Pledge said…
Can you identify the mystery birds now?
Hi Reuben
I haven't seen it often in the box, but then again I do not look that often. I think it uses it more for sunbathing. Your best chance to see it would be on a bright sunny day with a SW to NE wind or no wind blowing. If you have no luck keep an eye on this site, if the bird or the adults start showing regularly, I could possible show them to you. We are trying to keep the breeding site fairly secret, to avoid disturbance.
Hi Debbie.

I didn't see a guess from you.
The birds are Sanderling and Melodious Warbler.
Did you get them both right or at least one of them?