15th Janaury

The snow and ice has now gone from all but the most sheltered spots on land, though the lake is still badly frozen.

European Wigeon:
a female was on the edge of area 5 at 8.20am, but had soon departed.
Common Teal: six birds were on the edge of area 5 this afternoon.
Gadwall: twenty four were on the open water.
Northern Shoveler: forty four were also on the lake.
Water Rail: two were feeding in area 2.
Woodcock: one was seen flying around the Leaf Yard Wood, area 29 this afternoon.
Skylark: one flew over at 11.00am.
Redwing: one hundred and fifty were feeding around the park, with large groups in area 15 & 20, another large flock was alongside the canal in area 32.
Firecrest: a female was in a Holme Oak on the edge of the Leaf Yard Wood, area 29.
