2nd September

Common Buzzard: birds were observed on four ocassions with a total of seven birds being seen. Times and direction of movements;  3 east 10.40am, 1 NW mobbed by 2 Sparrowhawks at 12.05pm, 1 SSW 12.20pm and 2 north 12.55pm.

Peregrine Falcon: one high moving west at 12.46pm.

Hobby: Three singles; one attempted to catch Yellow Wagtail at 7.10am, 1 shot through low as if attempting to catch something over the lake at 12.27pm and 1 flew high west 12.45pm.

Sparrowhawk: three local birds and two high birds that mobbed one of the buzzards.

Swift: one was over the lake at 6.10am.

Swallow: around fifty birds were seen moving through in small groups.

Yellow Wagtail: two sightings involving three birds 1 SW at 7.10am and 2 SW at 7.55am.

Spotted Flycatcher: one in area 39.

Chiffchaff: at least six present.

Willow Warbler: two seen.

DSC_0007-7  While trying to get a record shot of a Yellow Wagtail and panning with the bird I thought that when it veered sharply it was avoiding a gull or something not very interesting. I was shocked when viewing the images a little later to see that a Hobby had made a failed attempt at grabbing the bird.


Below are four of the seven Common Buzzards that flew through: One can be seen being mobbed by one of two Sparrowhawks and another bird is hovering, looking more like a large Kestrel 

DSC_0044-3 DSC_0060-6 DSC_0063-3 DSC_0077-3  Two of today Sparrowhawks are shown below

DSC_0092-2  DSC_0116-4            



Joe Beale said…
That's a remarkable Yellow Wagtail/Hobby photo! Having just a basic camera I don't really think about taking photos of visible migration, but I might start doing so, if only because it's a nice way to remember how things look (especially flock formation etc) as they move overhead.