I suppose it was a bit much to expect the Wryneck to be present again today. Though it wasn’t for the lack of trying. A funny thing about this record is that last Monday I was convinced that I had hard one calling in area 2, but it only did it once. So who knows if it had been present for more than a day.
Common Sandpiper: one was around the lake this morning at least.
Arctic Tern: two birds flew north at 8.40am calling.
Common Tern: a pair were fishing on the lake until 8.50am.
Northern Wheatear: a female present at 6.20am was joined by a male a little later. Unfortunately they had gone by 9.00am due to the pressure from too many people.
Yellow Wagtail: one flew north.
Meadow Pipit: one flew over.
Swallow: four singles passed through.
Jackdaw: four flew south at 11.30am.
Northern Wheatear
Common Tern with more than he can chew
Sparrowhawk after a tussle in a bramble bush
London’s three commonest birds of prey; Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Peregrine were all seen over area 41 within 5 minutes of each other this morning.
Great crested Grebe and our third brood of Red crested Pochards.
Drake Common Pochards and the hybrid aythya chase after a female.
Pied Wagtail collecting food on area 9.