Regent’s Park
Smew: still present
Bushy Park:
The promised sunny spells during the morning never materialised, that combined with a blustery wind kept me and the birds in cover. There were a couple of new birds for the year and being new I do not know how regular certain species are. If anyone has a clue to what the Bushy Species List is I would be grateful if they could point me in that direction.
Fieldfare: 55 in the Paddocks.
Redwing: 40 in the Paddocks.
Bullfinch: a female was in the Round Plantation. This species is an extremely rare migrant in Regent’s Park.
Stonechat: 2 possibly 3 birds were by the Scrape at mid-day. I am sure that I glimpsed a female on the open park grassland at 7.30am, but she/it was flushed before I could get a better look.
A record shot of one of the Stonechats, he could hardly hold on and I certainly couldn’t hold the camera steady. Below is one of the Fieldfares seen in the paddocks.
Sightings for Regent's Park are in blue and Bushy in brown. Stonechats in Regent's Park are really rare, though we did have a spell about six years ago when we had single birds for several years. we then had those cold winters that have had a big effect on the species in the UK.