Bushy Park
Common Buzzard: a male was over the Round Plantation at 9.15am.
Hobby: a male flew along the Longford River.
Cuckoo: a bird was flying around the area just north of Heron Pond at 7.50am.
Skylark: 10 seen in the Skylark Protection Area.
Meadow Pipit: a pair feeding young in the above area.
Reed Warbler: 7 in the Brewhouse Pools area.
Common Whitethroat & Blackcap: several family parties were in the Brewhouse Meadow area.
The first broods of Swallows are now on the wing
Richmond Park
Common Buzzard: one flew west over Pen Ponds Plantation.
Common Tern: two rafts have 2 chicks on each.
Mallard: a fairly late brood on the upper pond.