Richmond Park
Little Egret: 2 flew over Lower Pen Pond before circling over Upper Pen Pond and heading off towards Sidmouth Wood.
Common Tern: I only saw one adult due to the fact that a probable Wryneck had me detouring around Upper Pen Ponds.
Sand Martin: one over Lower Pen Pond.
Whinchat: I saw 4 birds (3 on Lawn Field, 1 Pond Slade) though 5 were reported.
Common Whitethroat: singles were accompanying the Whinchats.
This Hobby flew by me while I was in Bushy Park first thing.
If I had looked left 20 seconds earlier I would have got great shots of these 2 as they flew low over the Lower Pond
The next 3 photos were taken near Hawthorn Cottage in Bushy Park. With berries and Mistletoe it is almost a winters scene.