Bushy Park
Grey overcast skies seemed to subdue a majority of the birds in the park. I was hoping to here the Cuckoo that was heard yesterday but it appears that it has moved on.
Cetti’s Warbler: still present along the western boundary north of Dukes Head Passage.
Sedge Warbler: a male still present and singing on the pools in the Brew House Meadow.
Reed Warbler: a male also present on the pools.
Blackcap: 7 pairs on the western boundary of the park.
Common Whitethroat: 2 pairs present, one by the bend near the Scrape and another pair by the back gate into the Water Garden.
Willow Warbler: one just south of the Water Garden.
Chiffchaff: 5 pairs present along the western boundary.
Regent’s Park
Very similar to Bushy Park with the odd exception.
Red Kite: one was reported.
House Martin: 2 birds were over the lake.
Sedge Warbler: a male in the reed bed by the Boat House.
Reed Warbler: a male also in this reed bed.
Lesser Whitethroat: one was singing in the Cricket Pen, area 31 early am until it was chased by a Blackcap. It then flew to the island at the end of the lake.
Common Whitethroat: one in the Old Golf & Tennis School enclosure, area 39.
Chiffchaff: 3 pairs at least present.
Blackcap: 9 males were singing.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask anyone who comes birding in the park to remain in the public areas and not to go into fenced off areas. It is not fair that some people are failing to do as they are asked.
I was glad to see that the 3 young in this nest are progressing well.