Regent's Park
The number of birds passing over the park is still very impressive for a green space that isn't on an obvious migration route. We thought it was coming to an end when Wood Pigeon, Fieldfare, Redwing and Chaffinch numbers dropped for a couple of days. We were still seeing 1 or 2 Hawfinches on some days and Brambling and Bullfinches were being recorded. After the Lapland Bunting on 24th October another bunting one that is scarce now the Yellow Hammer passed over on 5th November. This is possibly the first record since 1998, such a shame that a once very common farmland bird is struggling due to farming methods.
We have been looking and failing to find any Firecrest's in the park after an autumn that has seen large numbers recorded at coastal watch points. Well finally DJ's persistence paid off with three being found in the Leaf Yard Wood, area 41. These birds first thing in the morning can often be seen close to the eastern boundary fence.
This week 6th October produced very few thrushes and finches but 2 single Common Snipe , 3 Brambling (one by the feeding station in area 41) and over 1700 Wood Pigeon proved to us that the passage of birds hadn't finished. So today even though it was grey with a low cloud base we thought it was worth coming in early to scan the skies before getting down and dirty in the Water Rail Ditch. The decision to get out on to the Open Spaces soon proved to be the correct one with good numbers of thrushes and Starlings soon being picked up.
Today's sightings
Wood Pigeon 340
Stock Dove 28
Fieldfare 650
Redwing 870
Mistle Thrush 14
Blackbird 12
Song Thrush 6
Hawfinch 2: one NW at 6.55am and a second bird NW at 7.05am.
Brambling 3
Diurnal Passage 24th October to 7th November
Short-eared Owl 1
Lapwing 1
Common Snipe 2
Wood Pigeon 3920
Stock Dove 60
Fieldfare 2500
Redwing 3420
Blackbirds 36
Ring Ouzel 2
Song Thrush 38
Skylark 11
Meadow Pipit 28
Starling 1630
Hawfinch 15
Chaffinch 1400
Goldfinch 370
Brambling 8
Bullfinch 3
Siskin 120
Lesser Redpoll 52
Lapland Bunting 1
Reed Bunting 1
Yellow Hammer 1
Below are some photos take in the park during this period
Wood Pigeons passing the BT Tower
Mixed flocks of Fieldfares and Redwings
Redwings (above and below)
Mistle Thrush
The number of birds passing over the park is still very impressive for a green space that isn't on an obvious migration route. We thought it was coming to an end when Wood Pigeon, Fieldfare, Redwing and Chaffinch numbers dropped for a couple of days. We were still seeing 1 or 2 Hawfinches on some days and Brambling and Bullfinches were being recorded. After the Lapland Bunting on 24th October another bunting one that is scarce now the Yellow Hammer passed over on 5th November. This is possibly the first record since 1998, such a shame that a once very common farmland bird is struggling due to farming methods.
We have been looking and failing to find any Firecrest's in the park after an autumn that has seen large numbers recorded at coastal watch points. Well finally DJ's persistence paid off with three being found in the Leaf Yard Wood, area 41. These birds first thing in the morning can often be seen close to the eastern boundary fence.
This week 6th October produced very few thrushes and finches but 2 single Common Snipe , 3 Brambling (one by the feeding station in area 41) and over 1700 Wood Pigeon proved to us that the passage of birds hadn't finished. So today even though it was grey with a low cloud base we thought it was worth coming in early to scan the skies before getting down and dirty in the Water Rail Ditch. The decision to get out on to the Open Spaces soon proved to be the correct one with good numbers of thrushes and Starlings soon being picked up.
Today's sightings
Wood Pigeon 340
Stock Dove 28
Fieldfare 650
Redwing 870
Mistle Thrush 14
Blackbird 12
Song Thrush 6
Hawfinch 2: one NW at 6.55am and a second bird NW at 7.05am.
Brambling 3
Diurnal Passage 24th October to 7th November
Short-eared Owl 1
Lapwing 1
Common Snipe 2
Wood Pigeon 3920
Stock Dove 60
Fieldfare 2500
Redwing 3420
Blackbirds 36
Ring Ouzel 2
Song Thrush 38
Skylark 11
Meadow Pipit 28
Starling 1630
Hawfinch 15
Chaffinch 1400
Goldfinch 370
Brambling 8
Bullfinch 3
Siskin 120
Lesser Redpoll 52
Lapland Bunting 1
Reed Bunting 1
Yellow Hammer 1
Below are some photos take in the park during this period
Firecrest (above) Goldcrest (below)
Lesser Redpoll
Wood Pigeons passing the BT Tower
Lesser Redpolls (above) and Fieldfares passing over the Zoo (below).
Mixed flocks of Fieldfares and Redwings
Fieldfares (above)
Redwings (above and below)
Fieldfare (above) Blackbird (below)
Chaffinch (below)
Short-eared Owl
Cormorants (above)
Birds do stop off briefly.
Wood Pigeons (above) Stock Dove (below)
Brambling (above) Starling (below)
Mistle Thrush
Birds passing the BT Tower