Common Tern: 1 bird fishing over the lake.
Reed Warbler: Only one bird now singing from area 2, hopefully one of the other males has managed to attract a mate and are now breeding.
Reed Bunting: Two males one singing from area 2 and another in area 25 calling. This bird has at least one juvenile still present nearby.
Goldfinch: Possibly three juveniles have been seen, 1 on feeder near St Marks Bridge and 2 with an adult in the rose garden, area 12.
Green Woodpecker: 1 juvenile has been seen in area 29.
Grey Wagtail: 2 birds put in appearances around the margins of the lake, before flying to the canal.
This persistent miserable weather is having an affect on some of the park birds. The species that are insectivorous and those that feed on insects as well as seeds are suffering from a lack of food. The bird feeders are having to be filled at an alarming rate, which helps the finches but dose not help the warblers. The Blackcaps have been seeing going to and fro to their nest but only a handful of family grouos have been recorded.