Common Buzzard: 4 birds flew NE at 2.00pm, the largest group ever recorded over the park.
Lesser Whitethroat: 1 in the area of Elm trees and Hawthorns in area 16.
Garden Warbler: 1 in the same area as the above species.
Common Whitethroat: 1 in area 29.
Blackcap: birds recorded in areas 16, 24 and 29.
Willow Warbler: 15 birds dotted about the park.
Chiffchaff: 20 birds about the park.
Swallow: 8 birds flew north.
House Martin: As many as 100 birds were in the air above the park at various times during the day.
Grey Wagtail: 1 flew over.
Little Grebe: A pair in area 2 have two recently hatched young.