Common Buzzard: One was seen briefly at tree top height, before crows quickly drove it into the grounds of the American Ambassador and out of sight.
Kingfisher: A bird was on a perch over-looking the new extension to the wetland, area 25 at 8.00am.
Swift: Six birds were with House Martins over the Zoo during our first stint of Sky-watching this lunchtime.
Garden Warbler: At least twop birds were in area 24 before possibly moving into area 25.
Blackcap: At least 12 birds were seen around the park.
Willow Warbler: Ten birds were seen, some were singing. They were mainly in Queen Mary's, area 12, though there were a few in area 25.
Chiffchaff: Six were seen in with the Willow Warblers.
We had to pop out on an errand this morning and took the chance to have a look over a woodland just north of the M25. Within ten minutes we had seen 1 possibly 2 Goshawks, 4 Red Kites and 7 Common Buzzards.
1 Garden Warbler seen on perch in brambles calling - a 2nd Garden Warbler at other end of Area 24 called back. 1 Whitethroat appeared by 1st Garden Warbler.
4-6 Chiffchaff in Birch trees, 3-4 Willow Warbler. Blackcaps had all gone to a party in another part of the park.
15th 1030-1130, same area:
1 Garden Warbler seen on 2-3 occasions, briefly.
3-4 Chiffchaff, 1-3 Willow Warbler in Birch trees and moving back and forward.
3 Gt Spotted Woodpeckers, 2 Green Woodpeckers.
2 House Martins.
This area seems to be the most productive area in the park at the moment. The Leaf Yard(area 29) was slightly better today with a few Blackcaps.