Although the winds were light easterlies it did not bring a mega (a really rare migrant). It was still very enjoyable, when I got the chance to break off from tending to my mother-inlaws garden. I was staying at Eccles-on-Sea on the extreme east coast of Norfolk. I only visted three locations all within 15 minutes of my base. Here are some of the bird highlights.
40+ Red throated Divers
160 Pink-footed Geese
1 Shag (my first record for that location)
2 Scaup ( also a first for that location)
1 Marsh Harrier: flew in off the sea
1 Pomarine Skua
1 Bonapartes Gull 1st winter
4 Little Gulls
30+ Guillemots
2 Razorbills
Serin one flew south over Waxham
Rush Hill scrape
1 Pectoral Sandpiper
1 Curlew Sandpiper
1 Wood Sandpiper
12 Little Stints
Winterton Dunes
1 Wryneck: Unfortunately after I had viewed this bird all on my own, I then witnessed the bad side of bird watching. A group of so called birders were going around shaking the branches of the bushes in the area of the bird trying to flush it.
4 Common Redstarts
1 Pied Flycatcher
300 Siskins