Hobby: an adult was over the lake from 7.30am until at least 9.30am. It made several stoops at small passerines but failed, only catching the odd insect in a very stiff breeze.
Sparrowhawk: one made a half hearted attempt to move the Hobby on.
Yellow Wagtail: one flew over at 9.30am.
Grey Wagtail: one was seen regularly in area 1.
Swallow: eighteen flew NW.
House Martin: six were seen with the swallows.
Whinchat: one was seen on the Gorse and bramble patch by area 34.
Northern Wheatear: one landed briefly before moving off to the SW at 9.00am.
Chiffchaff: two were seen.
Other warblers were not seen at all, although we didn’t spend much time waiting around.
moving at speed in the hope of catching a finch
pestered by a crow, that soon gave up
not the most comfortable place to perch for this juv Grey Heron
All the best,
I cant say that I have seen large numbers of Starling around the park, well no more than is typical for this time of the year. Migrants do not normally start to arrive until the later end of September. However we did see a small flock drop down into the Zoo from a great height a couple of weeks back, they were to high for local birds. Also the winds have seldom come from an easterly sector.