Regent’s Park
Red Kite: one very high bird flew NE at 9.45am, just below the murk. These are not the conditions that normal encourage this species to roam.
Red-legged Partridge: no sign of yesterdays bird.
Water Rail: present in the ditch.
Rook: one flew NE at 2.20pm. As with the Kite this species tends to be seen on those clear frosty mornings and not in overcast conditions.
Bushy Park
Mandarin: 8 birds (6 drakes and 2 ducks) were displaying on Queens River.
Carolina Wood Duck: a fully-winged bird drake was also with the Mandarins.
Redwing: over 200 birds in two flocks, one along Chestnut Avenue and another in the Paddocks.
Siskin: 40+ in the Woodland Gardens.
The sun eventually came out mid afternoon, so I popped over to the lake.
A Cormorant comes in to roost on Heron Island
Red crested Pochards were taking part in courtship display flights above the lake.
Most adult Common and particularly Black-headed Gulls have now departed, in a weeks time there probably wont be many left.