Bushy Park
Common Teal: 9 were on the pools in the Brew House Fields. Three could be seen from beside the Longford River along Dukes Head Passage.
Common Buzzard: Not having seen him for a while it was good to see him trying to enjoy the warmth from the sun. It is a shame that the crows and Jackdaws won’t let him be.
Water Rail: one took a short flight from one pool to another.
Common Snipe: the bird is still present on the pools.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker: one was calling from trees just north of Dukes Head Passage, alongside the river.
Skylark: several were singing near Upper Lodge Road.
Redwing: 50+ were along Chestnut Avenue.
Siskin: 45+ in Canal Plantation.
Reed Bunting: male by the river.
Teal on the Scrape