Regent’s Park
Great crested Grebe: now that the water level has dropped to near normal, the pair on the Bandstand Island have rebuilt their nest.
Little Grebe: 3 birds were on the main lake.
Common Shelduck: a pair were on the main lake.
Shoveler: 33 were around the edges of areas 7 and 8.
Gadwall: 3 ducks were being chased by 6 drakes.
Red crested Pochard: groups of drakes were also chasing ducks around.
Grey Heron: the number of nests occupied or under construction is well down on previous years, standing at 16 nests as opposed to 26 last year. I still hope that they will be able to find trees with sufficient anchorage points for nests to be constructed.
Capturing this bird shaking has done him no favours.
This nest in a months time will be the one to watch if you want to see life inside a Herons nest.